I am Maoz Kadesh

I love Tennis Hiking

Maoz Kadesh is very passionate about his kids and his family he has been playing tennis for over five years now at the local level. 

About Maoz Kadesh

Besides tennis, he enjoys camping, hiking, and going to the beach. Relaxing is also important but not as important as exploration. His attitude towards exploration has led him to travel all over the country and internationally. One of his favorite places to travel is Mexico because of the beautiful beaches. 

He is currently working on businesses and his online ventures. As someone who moved to the US in his twenties, he realized what a great country, full of opportunities.

Traveling has become such a significant hobby that he travels at least three to four months per year. Being able to work remotely and online has drastically changed how business can be done. Maoz believes in education and the ability for regular people to learn online through such mediums as YouTube, blogs, and online courses. Online learning has really helped him understand some of the marketing strategies used by many successful companies. He can now apply those strategies to his businesses and reap the benefits.